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Row 7 Organic Fast Lady Northern Southern Pea (Cowpea) Seeds

Row 7 Organic Fast Lady Northern Southern Pea (Cowpea) Seeds

Row 7

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Southern peas, also known as cowpeas, originated in West Africa and are foundational to African diaspora foodways in the American South and beyond. Row 7's Fast Lady Southern Peas were bred for earliness in the field, creaminess on the plate, and their ability to thrive in northern and warmer climates. Delicious fresh or dried, the immature green pods release shelly peas that are sweet and succulent. (You can also sauté the whole young pods and young leaves.) The cooked dry beans have a memorably creamy texture and delicate flavor. Like other Southern peas, Fast Lady cooks quickly and evenly without soaking. We recommend using the cooked dry beans as a delicious gluten-free substitute for rice or pasta.    

Plant Details:

  • 1/4 ounce (Average 190 seeds/oz)
  • Produced in Oregon
  • Semi-bush habit with 7-8” pods.
  • Semi-determinate plants are northern-adapted, but also thrive in hot climates.
  • Maturity: 65 days to harvest for fresh shelling; 95 days for dry.
  • Organic

Field Notes:


  • 4-6” between plants; 2-3’ between rows


  • Direct sow seeds 1” deep after last frost, when soil temperatures reach at least 60˚F. For a continuous harvest of green shelly beans, sow additional plantings every two weeks until the weather warms beyond 70˚F. For fall harvest, sow 8-10 weeks before the first frost date. 


  • Green pods can be picked immature for fresh shelling. Pick when pods are still green but seeds are swollen inside. For dry peas, cut whole plants when they have dried down. If the plants remain green or partially green when you need to harvest, cut whole plants and pile on tarps and put in front of fans under cover, and/or bring tarps outdoors on sunny days. Turn piles of plants regularly to facilitate drying and prevent molding.
About Row 7:
Co-founded by renowned chef Dan Barber (Blue Hill at Stone Barns), Row 7 is dedicated to breeding organically grown, non-GMO seeds that prioritize unmatched flavor, nutrition, and sustainability.
These exceptional varieties are featured in some of the country’s best restaurants and now you can grow them at home! Designed to thrive in gardens and perform beautifully in your kitchen, we think these will be welcome additions to your growing and cooking experience. 
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